List of all Rolemaster (2e) Herbs

(from pages 29-31 of CL&CL and
pages 215 - 218 of Shadow World Master Atlas


ID Name Class Climate Locale Search
Form Preparation
Cost Addiction
Level Effect Source
101Agaath Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensfrigid (severe cold)mountainvery hard (-20)berry chew chew5gp 30Breathe in low oxygen (25%+) 12 hrs. Once per dayShadowWorld
102Alzo Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestsheer folly (-50)seedscr/boil/dr 60gp 100Adds 50 to adrenal maneuver rolls for 3 roundsShadowWorld
103Basira Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatefrestwater coastsextremely hard (-30)budboil/inhale 15gp 150("gloweyes") Allows one to perceive Essence Flows, and enchantments. Imbiber's eyes glow red. (1 hr)ShadowWorld
104Borga Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatefrestwater coastssheer folly (-50)toadsecretion drink 50gp 100("voyager") Strong hallucinogen. Subtract 50 from perception, 30 from maneuverand melee. (4-6 hours)ShadowWorld
105Ezrin Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatevolcanicextremely hard (-30)flowerchew 30gp 70Subtracts 30 from maneuver and melee. Adds 50 to spell and missile attacks.Euphoric. (1 hr)ShadowWorld
106Finrot Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)oysteroyster eat250gp200("fang") Strong Hallucinogen. Imbiber is in a trance (subtract 90 from perception,60 from maneuver and melee) and has sometimes prophetic visions. (2-3hours)ShadowWorld
107Furk Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensaridwastesheer folly (-50)leafboil/inhale 15gp 250Enhanced vision (x3 plus mild infravision) for 3 hrs.1x/dayShadowWorld
108Gort Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenshot and humidjungle/rain forestextremely hard (-30)leafpowder/inhale 2gp 50("sniff") Mild euphoria. Add 10 to all Presence RRs. (1 hr). Psycologically addictive.ShadowWorld
109Hristo Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenscoldconiferous forestabsurd (-70)leafcrush/burn 30gp 230Allows mental summons of of one known sentient friend (100 feet x level of user)ShadowWorld
110Jiri Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperateocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)lichenrub (on eyelids) 10gp 30Infravision (one hour)ShadowWorld
111Kalanga Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenshot and humidjungle/rain forestextremely hard (-30)leafburn/inhale 5sp 50Mild depressant. Subtract 20 from maneuver and melee (2 hours)ShadowWorld
112Kilmakur Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenshot and humidshort grasssheer folly (-50)rootboil/eat 65gp 330Protects versus all (within reason) flame and heat for 1-10 hoursShadowWorld
113Kylan Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensfrigid (severe cold)wasteextremely hard (-30)berrychew 45gp 3502x strength (double concussion damage, +10 to hit) 4 rndsShadowWorld
114Lujat Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperateheath/scrub/moorabsurd (-70)bat blooddrink 300gp 00("zoom") Strong stimulant. Imbiber is hasted for 10-20 rounds, after which there is a 20% chance of a damaging heart attack (result: reduced Con, endurance, danger of more attacks).ShadowWorld
115Nira Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)rootchew 60gp 250Haste (3 rnds)ShadowWorld
116Nygath Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenscool temperateheath/scrub/moorabsurd (-70)mushroomeat 200gp 250("zap") Strong hallucinogen. Imbiber in a coma for 15 minutes, then awakens with 2x full PP restored (any extra points are lost after the next sleep). 2% chance per use (cumulative) that visions are so frightening that imbiber becomessuicidalShadowWorld
117Oranto Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenscool temperateundergroundextremely hard (-30)mushroomeat100gp350Haste (6 rnds) user takes 20 hits due to drug reaction 10 rounds after being takenShadowWorld
118Paran Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenscool temperateundergroundabsurd (-70)stemboil/inhale 80gp 800See invisible things or beings for 10 minutesShadowWorld
119Resha Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenshot and humidvolcanicextremely hard (-30)flowerchew 90gp 500Allows mental contact with friend.(10 miles x level of imbiber) Contact lasts 6 roundsShadowWorld
120Rud-tekma Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenshot and humidjungle/rain forestabsurd (-70)fruitfruit eat25gp100Bonus of +20 for casting spells or over-casting attempts. Lasts 1 hr. Maneuver and melee -20. 10% chance any spell will be cast on nearest unintended targetShadowWorld
121Selig Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatefrestwater coastsvery hard (-20)fungusfungus chew 18gp 50Enhances hearing 1 hrShadowWorld
122Somiren Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenssemi-aridbreaks/wadissheer folly (-50)leafboil/inhale 30gp 90Restores as nights' sleep or meditation. Use in given week results in: once = loss 1 pt Con; twice = loss 5 pts; thrice = 25 pt loss (temp)ShadowWorld
123Zapic Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenshot and humidjungle/rain forestabsurd (-70)leafpowder/inhale 80gp 200Euphoric. Add 50 to all spell failure avoidance rolls when overcasting. (5 rnds)ShadowWorld
125Akunga Concussion Reliefcool temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafsalve 8gp 10Heals 2-20ShadowWorld
126Anneke Concussion Reliefcoldheath/scrub/moorsheer folly (-50)flowerchew 30gp 40Heals 5-50ShadowWorld
128Blenna Concussion Reliefcoldconiferous forestabsurd (-70)fruitfruit eat 70gp 60Heals 10-100ShadowWorld
132Morue Concussion Relieffrigid (severe cold)heath/scrub/moorextremely hard (-30)rootchew 80gp 70Heals 50ShadowWorld
133Purg Concussion Reliefmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestsheer folly (-50)nectardissolve/drink 30gp 30Heals 20ShadowWorld
134Raman Concussion Reliefsemi-aridocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafchew 10sp 10Heals 1-10ShadowWorld
136Sheku Concussion Reliefariddeciduous mixed forestabsurd (-70)berryplace in mouth 140gp 500Heals all hits. Instant effect. Imbiber stunned for one round due to shockShadowWorld
137Shuab Concussion Reliefeverlasting coldwastesheer folly (-50)leafpoultice 30gp 10Heals 2-20. Doubles healing of all major wounds. AntisepticShadowWorld
138Alzo Antidotescool temperatefrestwater coastssheer folly (-50)leafchew 27gp 50Antidote for YosisShadowWorld
139Bevolin Antidotesmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)leafbrew/drink 45gp 50Antidote for GhidaShadowWorld
140Deon Antidoteshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)rooteat 110gp 30Antidote for LoryaakShadowWorld
141Eshetu Antidotesmild temperatetall grassextremely hard (-30)grasspoultice 80gp 90Antidote for KadahShadowWorld
142Ikbal Antidotesmild temperatefrestwater coastsabsurd (-70)crystaldissolve/drink 300gp 200Antidote for any poison if taken within one hourShadowWorld
145Retta Antidotescool temperateconiferous forestsheer folly (-50)flowerchew 120gp 150Neutralizes any poison below10th levelShadowWorld
146Siri Antidotesaridwastesheer folly (-50)rootchew 80gp 80Antidote for LukuShadowWorld
147Tevy Antidotesmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)leafboil/inhale 25gp 30Antidote for Vyurk. Cures HurothgaarShadowWorld
148Alaec Stat Modifiersariddeciduous mixed forestabsurd (-70)flowerchew 450gp 100Restores any stat losses other than those due to age. Affects only one statShadowWorld
149Azele Stat Modifiersfrigid (severe cold)glacier/snowfieldabsurd (-70)budchew 340gp 00Allows one to increase any one stat's potential by one point. Effect permanent. User can only use the drug once in his lifetime, or body will reject (all stats drop by 5-50)ShadowWorld
150Sahn Stat Modifierscoldalpineabsurd (-70)flowerchew 500gp 500Allows one to increase any one stat's potential by 4 (up to 100), but 10 must be deducted from any other one stat of the imbiber's choice. Effect lasts one year exactlyShadowWorld
151Amar Specific Repairscool temperateshort grassextremely hard (-30)leafpoultice 70gp 90Stops bleeding by clotting and sealing wound (up to 5 hits/rnd; more severe wounds are unaffected). Wound is closed and healed; will not re-openShadowWorld
152Arrine Specific Repairsmild temperatefrestwater coastsvery hard (-20)stemrub 10gp 10Doubles rate of healing fracturesShadowWorld
153Baalak Specific Repairshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)reedreed br/dr 160gp 120Repairs one shattered bone. Takes one minuteShadowWorld
155Chuma Specific Repairshot and humidocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)rootcrush/rub 12gp 80Doubles rate of healing for sprains, torn ligaments, cartilage damageShadowWorld
156Cicala Specific Repairsmild temperatetall grassvery hard (-20)grasspoultice 40gp 60Mends one muscle (instant)ShadowWorld
157Crale Specific Repairscool temperateconiferous forestvery hard (-20)berrychew 65gp 60Restores hearingShadowWorld
158Curfalaka Specific Repairshot and humidjungle/rain forestsheer folly (-50)fruitfruit eat 40gp 150Mends muscle damageShadowWorld
160Dorn Specific Repairscool temperatefrestwater coastssheer folly (-50)leafpoultice 40gp 30Heals up to 50 burn-caused hits, and instantly relieves up to 2nd degree burns. 3rd degree healed in one hourShadowWorld
161Dorub Specific Repairscoldconiferous forestvery hard (-20)conecr/boil/poultice 60gp 200Nerve repair (one limb) takes one hourShadowWorld
162Efrid Specific Repairshot and humidjungle/rain forestsheer folly (-50)flowerplace in mouth 250gp 500Massive nerve regeneration. One hourShadowWorld
163Ghiloa Specific Repairseverlasting coldglacier/snowfieldabsurd (-70)flowercrush/soak 10gp 10Cures frostbiteShadowWorld
164Gursamel Specific Repairscool temperateshort grassabsurd (-70)stalkstalk cr/po 30gp 200Mends bone. Takes one minuteShadowWorld
165Hegheg Specific Repairshot and humidshort grasssheer folly (-50)rootbo/cr/poultice 25gp 50Heals cartilage damageShadowWorld
166Inexes Specific Repairsmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestextremely hard (-30)leafpoultice 70gp 90Stops bleeding of any one wound instantlyShadowWorld
168Irit Specific Repairsmild temperatemountainextremely hard (-30)berrysalve 5sp10 Local anesthetic. Lasts 4-5 hoursShadowWorld
169Irona Specific Repairshot and humidjungle/rain forestextremely hard (-30)leafboil/inhale 85gp 100Cures mental disease. Takes one dayShadowWorld
170Jaymis Specific Repairscool temperatemountainsheer folly (-50)algaedry/eat 60gp 20Allows free breathing underwater (as well as in air). Lasts five hoursShadowWorld
171Jervie Specific Repairsmild temperateconiferous forestextremely hard (-30)seetcr/boil/poultice 145gp 500Major organ repair (not brain). Takes one dayShadowWorld
172Jes Specific Repairscoldheath/scrub/moorsheer folly (-50)flowersalve 255gp 400Joins limbs. Takes one dayShadowWorld
175Kiva Specific Repairscool temperatedeciduous mixed forestvery hard (-20)nodulepoultice 40gp 150Mends bone instantlyShadowWorld
176Macajou Specific Repairscoldocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)leafboil/apply 250gp 600Regenerates one major organ. Takes five minutes. Imbiber is at max hits due to drain on bodyShadowWorld
177Milinka Specific Repairsariddeciduous mixed forestsheer folly (-50)rootsalve/rub 12gp 70Mends bone. Takes one hourShadowWorld
178Nayeek Specific Repairsmild temperateshort grasssheer folly (-50)flowerplace in mouth 30gp 100Lifekeeping (one hour)ShadowWorld
179Nizzar Specific Repairsmild temperatevolcanicsheer folly (-50)rootpoultice 80gp 50Repairs one bone shatter. Takes one dayShadowWorld
180Nyasani Specific Repairscool temperatefrestwater coastsabsurd (-70)flowerboil/dr240gp200Regenerates one eye. Takes one dayShadowWorld
181Nya Specific Repairseverlasting coldglacier/snowfieldabsurd (-70)flowerplace in mouth 850gp 200Lifegiving for Elves. Acts as Lifekeeping on anyone, lasting 10 daysShadowWorld
182Orlian Specific Repairsfrigid (severe cold)frestwater coastsvery hard (-20)leafpoultice 30gp 00Preserves one limbShadowWorld
183Pok Specific Repairscool temperateundergroundabsurd (-70)mushroomplace in mouth 200gp 700Regenerates brain tissue. Depending on area and extent, any lost accumulated experience is not regainedShadowWorld
184Reslyn Specific Repairscool temperateocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)kelppoultice 90gp 200Cures blindness (if eyes not destroyed)ShadowWorld
185Rumar Specific Repairsfrigid (severe cold)mountainextremely hard (-30)berrychew 60gp 300Relieves up to 3 rnds accumulated stun. Takes effect 1 rnd after ingestionShadowWorld
186Salufa Specific Repairsmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)flowerplace in mouth 1000gp 400LifegivingShadowWorld
187Sappora Specific Repairsmild temperatemountainsheer folly (-50)rootchew 2gp 200Stun relief 1 round. Acts instantlyShadowWorld
188Savarhet Specific Repairscool temperatedeciduous mixed forestextremely hard (-30)cloveclove place in mouth 380gp 250Will regenerate any damaged nerves and organs. Takes one dayShadowWorld
189Sebrun Specific Repairscoldfrestwater coastshard (-10)rootchew 5gp 50General anesthetic. Lasts 10-12 hours. Level 5 atackShadowWorld
191Shlorp Specific Repairscool temperateundergroundsheer folly (-50)mushroomplace in mouth 160gp 400Lifekeeping (10 days)ShadowWorld
193Shumaran Specific Repairssemi-aridwasteextremely hard (-30)cloveplace in mouth 1200gp 800LifegivingShadowWorld
194Starza Specific Repairscool temperateconiferous forestextremely hard (-30)resindissolve/soak 25gp 120Cures frostbite. Heals 2-20 cold related hitsShadowWorld
195Sterhen Specific Repairscool temperateheath/scrub/moorhard (-10)nutnut eat 60gp 100Stimulant. Add 10 to QU for 5 rounds; Assures wakefulness for 10 hoursShadowWorld
196Suman Specific Repairsmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestabsurd (-70)berryplace in mouth 200gp 900Lifekeeping 30 daysShadowWorld
197Taline Specific Repairsmild temperatedeciduous mixed foresthard (-10)berrycrush/poultice 15gp 100Blood vessel repairShadowWorld
198Telpi Specific Repairscool temperatetall grassvery hard (-20)grasspoultice 45gp 80Stops bleeding (up to ten hits/rnd). Victim cannot engage in strenuous activity without reopening woundShadowWorld
200Torrain Specific Repairsfrigid (severe cold)heath/scrub/moorextremely hard (-30)rootchew 20gp 60Cures concussionShadowWorld
201Tovo Specific Repairssemi-aridbreaks/wadissheer folly (-50)leafboil/inhale 5sp 80Mild stimulant. Assures wakefulness for 5 hoursShadowWorld
202Trice Specific Repairscool temperateocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)kelppoultice 200gp 20Will heal up to two square feet of fourth degree burns. Victim must recouperate one dayShadowWorld
203Trimas Specific Repairscool temperateundergroundabsurd (-70)mushroomeat 150gp 500Regenerates appendage (finger or toe takes one week; arm or leg one month)ShadowWorld
204Turfiik Specific Repairssemi-aridwastesheer folly (-50)leafboil/poultice 50gp 400Regenerates one bone (and attached tissues such as cartilage and tendon). Takes one dayShadowWorld
205Ujama Specific Repairscool temperatemountainvery hard (-20)leafpoultice 10gp 300Repairs sprain. Effect immediateShadowWorld
207Wor Specific Repairsariddeciduous mixed forestvery hard (-20)cactuspoultice 60gp 140Skull repairs. Takes one minuteShadowWorld
208Wumbar Specific Repairssemi-aridbreaks/wadisvery hard (-20)fruitcrush/rub120gp 60Joint repair. Effect immediateShadowWorld
210Zan Specific Repairscoldocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)stemcrush/rub 250gp 180Spine repair. Takes one minuteShadowWorld
211Zorm Specific Repairsmild temperateshort grasssheer folly (-50)grasspoultice 150gp 220Shatter repair. Takes one roundShadowWorld
601ArsbargiesAntidotesariddeserthard (-10)floweringest38gp74antidote for muscle poisonsCL&CL 2e
602EldaanaAntidotescoldocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)leafbrew99gp22antidote for reduction poisonsCL&CL 2e
603MenelarAntidotesfrigid (severe cold)coniferous foresthard (-10)conebrew65gp44antidote for circulatory poisonsCL&CL 2e
604MookAntidotescool temperatemountainlight (+10)berryingest30gp55antidote for respiratorypoisonsCL&CL 2e
605QuilmufurAntidotesmild temperateconiferous forestextremely hard (-30)rootbrew49gp11antidote for conversion poisonsCL&CL 2e
606ShenAntidotescool temperatefrestwater coastsvery hard (-20)leafingest27gp33antidote for nerve poisonsCL&CL 2e
607Ul-NazaAntidotessemi-aridwastesheer folly (-50)leafingest430gp99antidote for any poisonCL&CL 2e
608ArfandasBone Repaircoldfrestwater coastsvery hard (-20)stemapply2sp10doubles rate of healing for fracturesCL&CL 2e
609BaalakBone Repairhot and humidocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)reedbrew160gp120repairs shattered bonesCL&CL 2e
610BursthelasBone Repaircool temperateshort grasssheer folly (-50)stalkbrew110gp220repairs shattered bonesCL&CL 2e
611EdramBone Repaircoldfrestwater coastssheer folly (-50)mossingest31gp100mends boneCL&CL 2e
612GursamelBone Repaircool temperateshort grassextremely hard (-30)stalkapply30gp50mends boneCL&CL 2e
613AlambasBurn & Exposure Reliefsemi-aridocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)grassapply66sp40heals 4 square feet of burnsCL&CL 2e
614AloeBurn & Exposure Reliefcool temperateheath/scrub/moormedium (+0)leafapply5bp00doubles healing rate for burns and minor cuts (+5 hits resulting from cold)CL&CL 2e
615CulkasBurn & Exposure Reliefariddesertmedium (+0)leafapply35gp00heals 10 square feet of burnsCL&CL 2e
616JojojopoBurn & Exposure Relieffrigid (severe cold)mountainmedium (+0)leafapply9sp00cures frostbite (+2-20 hits resulting from cold)CL&CL 2e
617KelventariBurn & Exposure Reliefcool temperatetall grasslight (+10)berryrub19gp00heals first and second degree burns (+1-10 hits resulting from cold)CL&CL 2e
618VeldurakBurn & Exposure Reliefhot and humidocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)kelpapply8sp20cures frostbite (heals 1-50 hits resulting from cold)CL&CL 2e
619AnserkeCirculatory Repairhot and humidocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)rootapply75gp70stops bleeding by clotting and sealing the wound. takes 3 rounds to take effect. Patient cannot move (appreciably) without wound reopeningCL&CL 2e
620FekCirculatory Repairhot and humidocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)nutbrew50gp50stops any bleeding. Takes 1-10 rounds to take effect. Patient cannot move (appreciably) without wound reopeningCL&CL 2e
621HarfyCirculatory Repairsemi-aridshort grassvery hard (-20)resinapply175gp90Immediately stops any form of bleeding.CL&CL 2e
622HugburtunCirculatory Repairsemi-ariddesertvery hard (-20)fruitapply180gp60Immediately stops any form of bleeding.CL&CL 2e
623AkbutegeConcussion Reliefsemi-aridocean/saltwater shoreseasy (+20)leafingest3sp10heals 1-10CL&CL 2e
624ArlanConcussion Reliefcool temperatetall grasseasy (+20)leafapply13sp10heals 4-9CL&CL 2e
625CusamarConcussion Reliefsemi-aridheath/scrub/moorextremely hard (-30)floweringest30gp30heals 15-60CL&CL 2e
626DarsurionConcussion Reliefsemi-aridmountainlight (+10)leafapply35bp10heals 1-6CL&CL 2e
627DraafConcussion Reliefaridocean/saltwater shoreseasy (+20)leafingest7sp10heals 1-10 for two roundsCL&CL 2e
628DugmuthurConcussion Reliefcool temperatemountainlight (+10)berryingest9gp20heals 10CL&CL 2e
629GariigConcussion Reliefariddesertlight (+10)cactusingest55gp30heals 30CL&CL 2e
630GefnulConcussion Reliefeverlasting coldvolcanichard (-10)licheningest90gp100heals 100CL&CL 2e
631MirennaConcussion Reliefcoldmountainlight (+10)berryingest10gp10heals 10CL&CL 2e
632ReglenConcussion Reliefcool temperatemountainlight (+10)mossbrew75gp70heals 50CL&CL 2e
633RewkConcussion Reliefcool temperatedeciduous mixed forestlight (+10)nodulebrew9sp10heals 2-20CL&CL 2e
634ThurlConcussion Reliefcool temperatedeciduous mixed forestroutine (+30)clovebrew2sp10heals 1-4CL&CL 2e
635WinclamitConcussion Reliefcoldconiferous forestextremely hard (-30)fruit/ingest100gp120heals 3-300CL&CL 2e
636YavethalionConcussion Reliefmild temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)fruitingest45gp40heals 5-50CL&CL 2e
637ArkasuGeneral Purposemild temperatetall grassmedium (+0)sapapply12gp20heals 2-12 hits. doubles rate of healing for major wounds.CL&CL 2e
638ArlanGeneral Purposecoldmountaineasy (+20)rootingest1bp30decongestant. +20 to resistance vs common cold. Speeds recovery from respiratory illness by 5x.CL&CL 2e
639AthelasGeneral Purposecool temperateconiferous foresthard (-10)leafbrew300gp200Capable of healing anything while the patient is still alive, but healing is only as effective as the healer. Full effect only in the hands of an "ordained" king. Will not keep or give life.CL&CL 2e
640AttanarGeneral Purposecool temperatefrestwater coastsmedium (+0)mossapply8gp10cures feverCL&CL 2e
641DelreanGeneral Purposecoldconiferous foresteasy (+20)barkapply3sp10repels any insect. Smells foul (range 50')CL&CL 2e
642FelmatherGeneral Purposemild temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafingest105gp150mental summons of one "friend" (beasts or folk). Range 300' x users level. Coma relief.CL&CL 2e
643LathaGeneral Purposecool temperatefrestwater coastsmedium (+0)stembrew9sp40+10 to RR vs disease, cures common cold. Heals 1-2 hits.CL&CL 2e
644TrudursGeneral Purposecoldfrestwater coastsmedium (+0)mossbrew12sp80+10 to disease resistance for 1-10 days.CL&CL 2e
645UkurGeneral Purposefrigid (severe cold)heath/scrub/moormedium (+0)nutingest34sp10one day's nutritionCL&CL 2e
646CarcatuLife Preservationhot and humidocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)grassapply89gp250Lifekeeping* (1 day).CL&CL 2e
647DegiikLife Preservationhot and humidocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafingest100gp100Lifekeeping* (1 day).CL&CL 2e
648LaurelinLife Preservationmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)leafingest999gp210Lifegiving for Elves, if given within 28 days of death.CL&CL 2e
649Nur-oiolosseLife Preservationfrigid (severe cold)frestwater coastssheer folly (-50)cloveingest200gp130Lifegiving (1 day). Kills one day later unless Sorul nut (c-F-2; 1sp) is ingested.CL&CL 2e
650OiolosseLife Preservationfrigid (severe cold)frestwater coastssheer folly (-50)cloveingest600gp220Lifegiving for Elves, if given within 7 days of death. (aka Ololosse).CL&CL 2e
651OlvarLife Preservationfrigid (severe cold)ocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)floweringest200gp200Lifekeeping* 2-20 days.CL&CL 2e
652PathurLife Preservationaridheath/scrub/moormedium (+0)nodulebrew35gp70Lifekeeping* (1 hour).CL&CL 2e
653Tyr-firaLife Preservationfrigid (severe cold)alpineabsurd (-70)leafapply1200gp330Lifegiving, if given within 56 days.CL&CL 2e
654VulcuraxLife Preservationhot and humidjungle/rain forestabsurd (-70)berryapply1000gp00Lifegiving, if given within 30 days.CL&CL 2e
655ArnuminasMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairmild temperateshort grasseasy (+20)leafapply6bp80Doubles rate of healing for sprains, torn ligaments and cartilage damage.CL&CL 2e
656ArpsusarMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repaircool temperatefrestwater coastshard (-10)stalkbrew30gp150Mends muscle damage.CL&CL 2e
657CurfalakaMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairhot and humidjungle/rain forestextremely hard (-30)fruitingest40gp60Mends muscle damage.CL&CL 2e
658DagmatherMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairsemi-aridshort grasshard (-10)spinebrew28gp120Heals cartilage damage.CL&CL 2e
659EburMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)floweringest22gp180Repairs sprains.CL&CL 2e
660HeghegMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairhot and humidshort grasssheer folly (-50)rootpaste25gp50Heals cartilage damage.CL&CL 2e
661TarfegMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairhot and humidocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)floweringest23gp30Repairs sprains.CL&CL 2e
662BelrambaNerve Repairsemi-ariddesertvery hard (-20)lichenbrew60gp200Nerve repairs.CL&CL 2e
663TerbasNerve Repairmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestlight (+10)leafapply2gp40Doubles healing rate for nerve damage.CL&CL 2e
664WifurwifNerve Repaircool temperatemountainextremely hard (-30)licheningest55gp150Nerve repairs.CL&CL 2e
665YuthNerve Repairhot and humidjungle/rain forestsheer folly (-50)floweringest29gp80Antidote for nerve venom.CL&CL 2e
666BaldakurOrgan Repaircoldmountainsheer folly (-50)rootbrew102gp70Restores sight.CL&CL 2e
667BerterinOrgan Repairmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestlight (+10)mossbrew19gp200Preservation of organic material (up to body size) for 1 day.CL&CL 2e
668FebfenduOrgan Repaircoldfrestwater coastsmedium (+0)rootbrew90gp240Restores hearing.CL&CL 2e
669KakduramOrgan Repairhot and humidjungle/rain forestextremely hard (-30)fruitingest90gp60Restores hearing.CL&CL 2e
670PasamarOrgan Repairhot and humidshort grasssheer folly (-50)grassbrew75gp400Preservation of organic material.CL&CL 2e
671SiranOrgan Repairsemi-aridshort grassvery hard (-20)cloveingest80gp310Restoration of 1 organ or area. Side effect: skin disease (Pr 10% normal) and 6 hits per rnd when skin exposed to full sun.CL&CL 2e
672SirienaOrgan Repairsemi-aridshort grasshard (-10)grassbrew70gp270Preservation of any organic material (up to body size). Lasts for 1 week.CL&CL 2e
673TarnasOrgan Repairhot and humidjungle/rain forestvery hard (-20)nodulebrew220gp600Nausea fo 1-10 hours (-50). Restores organ damage.CL&CL 2e
674Wek-wekOrgan Repairhot and humidjungle/rain forestsheer folly (-50)nodulebrew220gp500Repairs organ damage.CL&CL 2e
675AgaathPhysical Alterationeverlasting coldglacier/snowfieldeasy (+20)berryingest5gp30Breathe with low oxygen (25%+) 12 hrs. Once per 2 days.CL&CL 2e
676AnkiiPhysical Alterationsemi-aridbreaks/wadisextremely hard (-30)berryingest100gp90Restores as good sleep. Use in given week results in: once - loss 1 pt Co; twice = loss 5 pts; thrice = 25 pt loss (temp).CL&CL 2e
677AtigaxPhysical Alterationfrigid (severe cold)heath/scrub/moormedium (+0)rootbrew40gp120Protects eyes in intense light or glare. Allows sight despite sudden or blinding light. Lasts 9 hrs.CL&CL 2e
678BreldiarPhysical Alterationmild temperatevolcanicmedium (+0)floweringest25gp70Subtracts 30 from manoeuvre and melee. Adds 50 to spells and missile attacks. Euphoria. Lasts 1 hr.CL&CL 2e
679Blue EyesPhysical Alterationmild temperateshort grassextremely hard (-30)flowerbrew15gp250Enhanced vision (x3 range), plus mild infravision (min. 50') for 3 hrs. 1x/day.CL&CL 2e
680Elben's BasketPhysical Alterationcool temperateshort grassextremely hard (-30)rootbrew10gp150Heart stimulant. Doubles speed for 1 rnd per hour.CL&CL 2e
681GylvirPhysical Alterationmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)algaeingest45gp200Allows one to breathe under water (only) for 4 hours.CL&CL 2e
682GrapeleafPhysical Alterationmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestvery hard (-20)nectaringest7gp180Intoxication and dreams (actions at -50) for 2 hours, and 1 days nutrition.CL&CL 2e
683JoefPhysical Alterationcool temperatebreaks/wadislight (+10)powderingest35gp230Allows mental summons of one known sentient friend (100' x level of user).CL&CL 2e
684KathkusaPhysical Alterationfrigid (severe cold)wastelight (+10)leafingest50gp3502X strength (1-10 rnds).2x hits given foes; +10 OB.CL&CL 2e
685KilmakurPhysical Alterationhot and humidshort grassextremely hard (-30)rootbrew65gp330Protects versus flame and heat for 1-10 hrs.CL&CL 2e
686KlagulPhysical Alterationsemi-aridshort grasslight (+10)budbrew27gp70Infravision (6 hrs). One sees as an Elf.CL&CL 2e
687MarkuPhysical Alterationsemi-aridheath/scrub/moorvery hard (-20)nutingest30gp50Infravision (6hrs).CL&CL 2e
688MegillosPhysical Alterationcoldmountainlight (+10)leafingest12sp190Increases visual perception (2x range) for 10 minutes.CL&CL 2e
689Rud-tekmaPhysical Alterationhot and humidjungle/rain forestvery hard (-20)fruitingest25gp100Bonus of +20 when casting spells or for over-cast attempts. Lasts 1 hr. Manoeuvre and melee bonus -20. 10% chance any spell will be cast on nearest unintended target.CL&CL 2e
690SplayfootPhysical Alterationmild temperatefrestwater coastsmedium (+0)seedsbrew23gp160For "god in heart" instils confidence and singleness of purpose (+25) for 1 to 4 hours.CL&CL 2e
691YaranPhysical Alterationcool temperateshort grasseasy (+20)polleningest9sp70Acute smell and taste (+50) for 1 hr.CL&CL 2e
692ZulsenduraPhysical Alterationaridundergroundmedium (+0)mushroomingest70gp220Haste (3 rnds).CL&CL 2e
693ZurPhysical Alterationcoldundergroundmedium (+0)fungusbrew12gp80Enhances smell and hearing (3x range, +50 man.). Lasts 1 hr.CL&CL 2e
694LestagiiStat Modifiersariddesertabsurd (-70)crystalingest520gp450Restores any stat losses other than those due to age. Affects only one stat.CL&CL 2e
695MerrigStat Modifierssemi-aridshort grasssheer folly (-50)thornbrew90gp500Daily use increases Pr by 5. Interruption of use will not reverse addictive resistance, but means loss of benefit. Withdrawal means loss of 10 from Co, 15 from Re and Me.CL&CL 2e
696Januk-tyStun Reliefsemi-aridshort grassvery hard (-20)rootbrew110sp20Stun relief (3 rnds).CL&CL 2e
697SuranieStun Reliefcool temperatefrestwater coastslight (+10)berryingest2gp30Stun relief (1 rnd).CL&CL 2e
698VinukStun Reliefsemi-aridshort grassmedium (+0)rootbrew12sp40Stun relief (1-10 rnds).CL&CL 2e
699WelwalStun Reliefhot and humidjungle/rain forestextremely hard (-30)leafingest12gp30Stun relief (3 rnds).CL&CL 2e
700WitavStun Reliefhot and humidjungle/rain forestvery hard (-20)leafingest12gp50Stun relief 2 rnds.CL&CL 2e
701AlshanaEnchanted Breadscool temperatetall grasseasy (+20)bread [root]ingest35gp50Dose/4oz slice.CL&CL 2e
712CramEnchanted Breadscoldundergroundeasy (+20)bread [mushrm]ingest14sp10Dose/4oz slice. Dwarven Waybread. Five day's nutrition/slice. 10-slice loaf 13gp. Tastes fo mushrooms and pepper; keeps 2 weeks.CL&CL 2e
713HesguratuEnchanted Breadscoldmountainlight (+10)bread [grain]ingest45gp100Dose/4oz slice. 2x strength (6 rnds); +10 OB and 2x hits given foes. 10-slice loaf 350gp. Tastes of wheat and onions; keeps 1 month.CL&CL 2e
714KykykylEnchanted Breadsmild temperatedeciduous mixed foresteasy (+20)bread [root]ingest50gp60Dose/4oz slice. Allows one to see with complete clarity (as on a cloudless day) for 1 hr, regardless of weather, lighting or eye injuries (unless eye destroyed). 10-slice loaf 440gp. Tastes of garlic, carrots and ginger; keeps 2-20 weeks.CL&CL 2e
715TatharsulEnchanted Breadscool temperateocean/saltwater shoreslight (+10)bread [fruit]ingest75gp150Dose/4oz slice. Restores nervous system to normal (in 1-10 rnds). 10-slice loaf 690gp. Tastes of pumpkin and lemon; keeps 1-2 months.CL&CL 2e
716UlginorEnchanted Breadscoldocean/saltwater shoresroutine (+30)bread [leaves]ingest4sp00Dose/4oz slice. A slice provides a day's nutrition. 10-slice loaf 35sp. Tastes of cheese and spinach; keeps 1-2 months.CL&CL 2e
801ArunyaIntoxicantsmild temperateshort grasslight (+10)rootbrew2bp500Causes sleep and quick unconsciousness. 1 hour's sleep equals 4.CL&CL 2e
802BrorkwilbIntoxicantsmild temperatevolcaniclight (+10)floweringest9gp450Euphoric. Allows for shared dreams with family member who lies within range (100 miles x level of user).CL&CL 2e
803GalenasIntoxicantsmild temperateheath/scrub/moormedium (+0)leafingest5sp100Leaf produces smoke which affects 20' radius. Relaxes (-75) 1-10 rnds.CL&CL 2e
804GortIntoxicantshot and humidjungle/rain foresthard (-10)leafingest10gp200Euphoric hallucinogin. +10 to user's Pr for 2 hrs, but afterwards causes user to be at -50 for 1-10 hrs.CL&CL 2e
805Hoak-foerIntoxicantssemi-aridshort grasseasy (+20)floweringest67gp300Hallucinogen. Cures mind loss and mental disorders, but prevents movement (altogether) for 1-10 weeks.CL&CL 2e
806HugarIntoxicantshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)rootingest1sp330Causes sleep and quick unconsciousness. 1 hour's sleep equals 6.CL&CL 2e
807NelisseIntoxicantssemi-aridvolcanichard (-10)leafbrew9sp150Euphoria (-50) for 1 hr. Yields 1 day's nutrition.CL&CL 2e
808SwigmakrilIntoxicantsariddesertvery hard (-20)flowerbrew50gp250Relaxant. User takes 2x usual hits befiore passing out (but dies due to hits at usual #), although he operates at -30. Lasts 1-2 hrs.CL&CL 2e
809SwuthIntoxicantshot and humidocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafingest4sp30Invisible smoke relaxes (-75) 1-10 rds.CL&CL 2e
810TukamarIntoxicantssemi-aridshort grassmedium (+0)grassbrew38sp1000Euphoric. Allows for shared dreams with friend similarly affected lies within range (50 miles x level of user).CL&CL 2e
901CarnegurthCirculatory Poisonsariddesertmedium (+0)flowerliquid53gp01Reddish juice causes massive blood clotting and death in 1-100 hrs.CL&CL 2e
902JeggarukhCirculatory Poisonsmild temperateundergroundhard (-10)batpowder71gp06Black powder give 1-100 hits. (See #931)CL&CL 2e
903KarfarCirculatory Poisonshot and humidjungle/rain forestmedium (+0)leafpaste142gp07Reddish paste causes heart to shut down. Massive shock and death in 2-12 rnds.CL&CL 2e
904KlytunCirculatory Poisonssemi-aridbreaks/wadismedium (+0)rootpaste53gp05Golden paste causes 1-10 day coma.CL&CL 2e
905SharkasarCirculatory Poisonsmild temperateconiferous forestvery hard (-20)rootpaste2gp010Brown paste gives 1-10 hits.CL&CL 2e
906SharduvaakCirculatory Poisonsariddesertextremely hard (-30)berryliquid36gp03Brown liquid slows blood flow. Victim sluggish, at -50 for all activity, and needs 2x usual sleep.CL&CL 2e
907BragolithConversion Poisonscoldconiferous forestsheer folly (-50)flyliquid120gp05Bluish juice causes victim to spontaneously combust. Phosphorescent green firefly juice.CL&CL 2e
908BrithagurthConversion Poisonsfrigid (severe cold)frestwater coastssheer folly (-50)fishliquid25gp02Black venom causes hardening of tendons in 1-4 appendages (making them useless).CL&CL 2e
909HenuialConversion Poisonscoldconiferous forestsheer folly (-50)beeliquid80gp06Yellow venom converts optic juices of 1-2 eyes to honey.CL&CL 2e
910OndokambaConversion Poisonscoldundergroundlight (+10)batliquid29gp02Green venom turns (1-4) hands and/or feet to stone (making each affected area -75).CL&CL 2e
911MuilfanaConversion Poisonscool temperateconiferous forestmedium (+0)sapliquid52gp02Orange tree sap. When contacted with mucous membranes turns to acid (blinds, or destroys windpipe/esophagus).CL&CL 2e
912TaynagaConversion Poisonscoldconiferous foresthard (-10)barkpowder27gp08Brownish powder sterilizes and gives 5-50 hits.CL&CL 2e
913DynalkaMuscle Poisonshot and humidfrestwater coastslight (+10)leafpaste14gp03Tan paste destroys hearing and gives 1-10 hits.CL&CL 2e
914KaktuMuscle Poisonssemi-aridshort grassextremely hard (-30)flowerliquid29gp01Affects 1-4 appendages. Dexterity loss in each affected area reduces associated manoeuvre rolls by 1-100 (avg. if 2 are used).CL&CL 2e
915TrusaMuscle Poisonshot and humidjungle/rain forestsheer folly (-50)frogpaste31gp04Acts in 1-10 rnds. Victim failing RR by 21+ is killed. Victim failing by 11-20 falls into coma, and is blind; failure by 1-10 results in blindness in 1-2 eyes.CL&CL 2e
916AcaanaNerve Poisonsfrigid (severe cold)mountainextremely hard (-30)flowerpaste600gp010Black paste destroys nervous system. Kills instantly.CL&CL 2e
917AsgurashNerve Poisonscoldtall grassextremely hard (-30)snakepaste31gp03Brownish-red snake venom. Upper body paralysis.CL&CL 2e
918JuthNerve Poisonsariddeserthard (-10)scorpionliquid41gp02Causes gradual insanity (1-100 weeks).CL&CL 2e
919Ruth-i-IaurNerve Poisonssemi-aridundergroundextremely hard (-30)drakeliquid56gp04Brownish Cave-drake saliva causes rapid (1-20 rnds) erosion of nervous system. Victim left at -50 to -100 activity.CL&CL 2e
920SlirdNerve Poisonshot and humidjungle/rain forestsheer folly (-50)fruitpaste13gp02Acts in 2 rnds. Victim loses feeling in 1-6 extremities (head, genitals, hands feet) for 1-100 days.CL&CL 2e
921Ul-acaanaNerve Poisonseverlasting coldmountainsheer folly (-50)flowerpaste1200gp020Nervous system destroyed. Paralyzes instantly; kills in 1-10 minutes.CL&CL 2e
922Wek-baasNerve Poisonshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)fishliquid70gp05Acts in 1-100 rnds. RR failure of 31+ results in total paralysis; failure by 16-30 results in degeneration of balance and hearing in 1-10 days; RR failure of 1-15 results in sleep.CL&CL 2e
923LhugruthReduction Poisonseverlasting coldundergroundvery hard (-20)dragonliquid300gp010Grey/black blood rapidly (1-10 rnds) dissolves inflicted area. Affects metals and organic material. Does not affect glass/sand/pottery.CL&CL 2e
924OndohithuiReduction Poisonseverlasting coldalpinehard (-10)lichenpaste60gp03Blue/grey paste causes fatal dehydration in 1-10 minutes.CL&CL 2e
925NimnaurReduction Poisonscool temperatedeciduous mixed foresthard (-10)spiderliquid23gp03Milky white juices slowly (1-10 minutes) liquefies affected organ (1 organ/dose).CL&CL 2e
926SilmaanaReduction Poisonsmild temperatetall grasseasy (+20)stalkpowder4gp09Silver powder scars skin; gives 2-20 hits.CL&CL 2e
927SlotaReduction Poisonscool temperatedeciduous mixed forestextremely hard (-30)spiderpaste16gp05Slow (1 day) paralysis and death (1-10 days).CL&CL 2e
928ZaganzarReduction Poisonscool temperatemountainvery hard (-20)rootliquid139gp05Bluish extract blinds by reducing optic nerve to water; gives 1-10 hits.CL&CL 2e
929GalenaanaRespiratory Poisonscoldalpinevery hard (-20)leafpowder179gp09Green powder kills Elves; leaves others in a coma for 1-100 weeks.CL&CL 2e
930Hith-i-GirithRespiratory Poisonsfrigid (severe cold)mountainhard (-10)leafliquid12gp04Mist/vapour from live (active) tree acts as depressant causing immediate and continuing sleepCL&CL 2e
931JeggaRespiratory Poisonsmild temperateundergroundhard (-10)batpaste92gp07Brown paste gives 1-100 hits. (See #902)CL&CL 2e
932JitsuRespiratory Poisonsmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)clamliquid34gp05Yellow venom gives 5-50 hits.CL&CL 2e
933JitsutyrRespiratory Poisonscoldfrestwater coastsvery hard (-20)clampaste145gp02Tan paste destroys lungs and kills in 1-100 rounds.CL&CL 2e
934KlyRespiratory Poisonssemi-aridheath/scrub/moorhard (-10)berrypaste154gp03Brown juice gives 3-300 hits.CL&CL 2e
935UraanaRespiratory Poisonscool temperateshort grasslight (+10)leafpaste12gp06Creamy paste gives 3-30 hits. (See #936 below)CL&CL 2e
936VuraanaRespiratory Poisonshot and humidtall grassmedium (+0)flowerpaste42gp02Pinkish paste delivers 1-100 hits. Same plant as Uraana (#935) but it only flowers in springCL&CL 2e
937YoxonquMagical Poisonaridtall grassextremely hard (-30)stalkbrew100gp220Prickly black stalk brewed into tea and drunk. If RR fails user loses ability to channel for 24 hours.special