List of all Rolemaster (2e) Herbs

(from pages 29-31 of CL&CL and
pages 215 - 218 of Shadow World Master Atlas


ID Name Class Climate Locale Search
Form Preparation
Cost Addiction
Level Effect Source
102Alzo Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestsheer folly (-50)seedscr/boil/dr 60gp 100Adds 50 to adrenal maneuver rolls for 3 roundsShadowWorld
103Basira Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatefrestwater coastsextremely hard (-30)budboil/inhale 15gp 150("gloweyes") Allows one to perceive Essence Flows, and enchantments. Imbiber's eyes glow red. (1 hr)ShadowWorld
104Borga Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatefrestwater coastssheer folly (-50)toadsecretion drink 50gp 100("voyager") Strong hallucinogen. Subtract 50 from perception, 30 from maneuverand melee. (4-6 hours)ShadowWorld
105Ezrin Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatevolcanicextremely hard (-30)flowerchew 30gp 70Subtracts 30 from maneuver and melee. Adds 50 to spell and missile attacks.Euphoric. (1 hr)ShadowWorld
106Finrot Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)oysteroyster eat250gp200("fang") Strong Hallucinogen. Imbiber is in a trance (subtract 90 from perception,60 from maneuver and melee) and has sometimes prophetic visions. (2-3hours)ShadowWorld
110Jiri Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperateocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)lichenrub (on eyelids) 10gp 30Infravision (one hour)ShadowWorld
114Lujat Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperateheath/scrub/moorabsurd (-70)bat blooddrink 300gp 00("zoom") Strong stimulant. Imbiber is hasted for 10-20 rounds, after which there is a 20% chance of a damaging heart attack (result: reduced Con, endurance, danger of more attacks).ShadowWorld
121Selig Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperatefrestwater coastsvery hard (-20)fungusfungus chew 18gp 50Enhances hearing 1 hrShadowWorld
133Purg Concussion Reliefmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestsheer folly (-50)nectardissolve/drink 30gp 30Heals 20ShadowWorld
139Bevolin Antidotesmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)leafbrew/drink 45gp 50Antidote for GhidaShadowWorld
141Eshetu Antidotesmild temperatetall grassextremely hard (-30)grasspoultice 80gp 90Antidote for KadahShadowWorld
142Ikbal Antidotesmild temperatefrestwater coastsabsurd (-70)crystaldissolve/drink 300gp 200Antidote for any poison if taken within one hourShadowWorld
147Tevy Antidotesmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)leafboil/inhale 25gp 30Antidote for Vyurk. Cures HurothgaarShadowWorld
152Arrine Specific Repairsmild temperatefrestwater coastsvery hard (-20)stemrub 10gp 10Doubles rate of healing fracturesShadowWorld
156Cicala Specific Repairsmild temperatetall grassvery hard (-20)grasspoultice 40gp 60Mends one muscle (instant)ShadowWorld
166Inexes Specific Repairsmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestextremely hard (-30)leafpoultice 70gp 90Stops bleeding of any one wound instantlyShadowWorld
168Irit Specific Repairsmild temperatemountainextremely hard (-30)berrysalve 5sp10 Local anesthetic. Lasts 4-5 hoursShadowWorld
171Jervie Specific Repairsmild temperateconiferous forestextremely hard (-30)seetcr/boil/poultice 145gp 500Major organ repair (not brain). Takes one dayShadowWorld
178Nayeek Specific Repairsmild temperateshort grasssheer folly (-50)flowerplace in mouth 30gp 100Lifekeeping (one hour)ShadowWorld
179Nizzar Specific Repairsmild temperatevolcanicsheer folly (-50)rootpoultice 80gp 50Repairs one bone shatter. Takes one dayShadowWorld
186Salufa Specific Repairsmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)flowerplace in mouth 1000gp 400LifegivingShadowWorld
187Sappora Specific Repairsmild temperatemountainsheer folly (-50)rootchew 2gp 200Stun relief 1 round. Acts instantlyShadowWorld
196Suman Specific Repairsmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestabsurd (-70)berryplace in mouth 200gp 900Lifekeeping 30 daysShadowWorld
197Taline Specific Repairsmild temperatedeciduous mixed foresthard (-10)berrycrush/poultice 15gp 100Blood vessel repairShadowWorld
211Zorm Specific Repairsmild temperateshort grasssheer folly (-50)grasspoultice 150gp 220Shatter repair. Takes one roundShadowWorld
605QuilmufurAntidotesmild temperateconiferous forestextremely hard (-30)rootbrew49gp11antidote for conversion poisonsCL&CL 2e
636YavethalionConcussion Reliefmild temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)fruitingest45gp40heals 5-50CL&CL 2e
637ArkasuGeneral Purposemild temperatetall grassmedium (+0)sapapply12gp20heals 2-12 hits. doubles rate of healing for major wounds.CL&CL 2e
642FelmatherGeneral Purposemild temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafingest105gp150mental summons of one "friend" (beasts or folk). Range 300' x users level. Coma relief.CL&CL 2e
648LaurelinLife Preservationmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)leafingest999gp210Lifegiving for Elves, if given within 28 days of death.CL&CL 2e
655ArnuminasMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairmild temperateshort grasseasy (+20)leafapply6bp80Doubles rate of healing for sprains, torn ligaments and cartilage damage.CL&CL 2e
659EburMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)floweringest22gp180Repairs sprains.CL&CL 2e
663TerbasNerve Repairmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestlight (+10)leafapply2gp40Doubles healing rate for nerve damage.CL&CL 2e
667BerterinOrgan Repairmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestlight (+10)mossbrew19gp200Preservation of organic material (up to body size) for 1 day.CL&CL 2e
678BreldiarPhysical Alterationmild temperatevolcanicmedium (+0)floweringest25gp70Subtracts 30 from manoeuvre and melee. Adds 50 to spells and missile attacks. Euphoria. Lasts 1 hr.CL&CL 2e
679Blue EyesPhysical Alterationmild temperateshort grassextremely hard (-30)flowerbrew15gp250Enhanced vision (x3 range), plus mild infravision (min. 50') for 3 hrs. 1x/day.CL&CL 2e
681GylvirPhysical Alterationmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)algaeingest45gp200Allows one to breathe under water (only) for 4 hours.CL&CL 2e
682GrapeleafPhysical Alterationmild temperatedeciduous mixed forestvery hard (-20)nectaringest7gp180Intoxication and dreams (actions at -50) for 2 hours, and 1 days nutrition.CL&CL 2e
690SplayfootPhysical Alterationmild temperatefrestwater coastsmedium (+0)seedsbrew23gp160For "god in heart" instils confidence and singleness of purpose (+25) for 1 to 4 hours.CL&CL 2e
714KykykylEnchanted Breadsmild temperatedeciduous mixed foresteasy (+20)bread [root]ingest50gp60Dose/4oz slice. Allows one to see with complete clarity (as on a cloudless day) for 1 hr, regardless of weather, lighting or eye injuries (unless eye destroyed). 10-slice loaf 440gp. Tastes of garlic, carrots and ginger; keeps 2-20 weeks.CL&CL 2e
801ArunyaIntoxicantsmild temperateshort grasslight (+10)rootbrew2bp500Causes sleep and quick unconsciousness. 1 hour's sleep equals 4.CL&CL 2e
802BrorkwilbIntoxicantsmild temperatevolcaniclight (+10)floweringest9gp450Euphoric. Allows for shared dreams with family member who lies within range (100 miles x level of user).CL&CL 2e
803GalenasIntoxicantsmild temperateheath/scrub/moormedium (+0)leafingest5sp100Leaf produces smoke which affects 20' radius. Relaxes (-75) 1-10 rnds.CL&CL 2e
902JeggarukhCirculatory Poisonsmild temperateundergroundhard (-10)batpowder71gp06Black powder give 1-100 hits. (See #931)CL&CL 2e
905SharkasarCirculatory Poisonsmild temperateconiferous forestvery hard (-20)rootpaste2gp010Brown paste gives 1-10 hits.CL&CL 2e
926SilmaanaReduction Poisonsmild temperatetall grasseasy (+20)stalkpowder4gp09Silver powder scars skin; gives 2-20 hits.CL&CL 2e
931JeggaRespiratory Poisonsmild temperateundergroundhard (-10)batpaste92gp07Brown paste gives 1-100 hits. (See #902)CL&CL 2e
932JitsuRespiratory Poisonsmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)clamliquid34gp05Yellow venom gives 5-50 hits.CL&CL 2e