List of all Rolemaster (2e) Herbs

(from pages 29-31 of CL&CL and
pages 215 - 218 of Shadow World Master Atlas


ID Name Class Climate Locale Search
Form Preparation
Cost Addiction
Level Effect Source
107Furk Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensaridwastesheer folly (-50)leafboil/inhale 15gp 250Enhanced vision (x3 plus mild infravision) for 3 hrs.1x/dayShadowWorld
136Sheku Concussion Reliefariddeciduous mixed forestabsurd (-70)berryplace in mouth 140gp 500Heals all hits. Instant effect. Imbiber stunned for one round due to shockShadowWorld
146Siri Antidotesaridwastesheer folly (-50)rootchew 80gp 80Antidote for LukuShadowWorld
148Alaec Stat Modifiersariddeciduous mixed forestabsurd (-70)flowerchew 450gp 100Restores any stat losses other than those due to age. Affects only one statShadowWorld
177Milinka Specific Repairsariddeciduous mixed forestsheer folly (-50)rootsalve/rub 12gp 70Mends bone. Takes one hourShadowWorld
207Wor Specific Repairsariddeciduous mixed forestvery hard (-20)cactuspoultice 60gp 140Skull repairs. Takes one minuteShadowWorld
601ArsbargiesAntidotesariddeserthard (-10)floweringest38gp74antidote for muscle poisonsCL&CL 2e
615CulkasBurn & Exposure Reliefariddesertmedium (+0)leafapply35gp00heals 10 square feet of burnsCL&CL 2e
627DraafConcussion Reliefaridocean/saltwater shoreseasy (+20)leafingest7sp10heals 1-10 for two roundsCL&CL 2e
629GariigConcussion Reliefariddesertlight (+10)cactusingest55gp30heals 30CL&CL 2e
652PathurLife Preservationaridheath/scrub/moormedium (+0)nodulebrew35gp70Lifekeeping* (1 hour).CL&CL 2e
692ZulsenduraPhysical Alterationaridundergroundmedium (+0)mushroomingest70gp220Haste (3 rnds).CL&CL 2e
694LestagiiStat Modifiersariddesertabsurd (-70)crystalingest520gp450Restores any stat losses other than those due to age. Affects only one stat.CL&CL 2e
808SwigmakrilIntoxicantsariddesertvery hard (-20)flowerbrew50gp250Relaxant. User takes 2x usual hits befiore passing out (but dies due to hits at usual #), although he operates at -30. Lasts 1-2 hrs.CL&CL 2e
901CarnegurthCirculatory Poisonsariddesertmedium (+0)flowerliquid53gp01Reddish juice causes massive blood clotting and death in 1-100 hrs.CL&CL 2e
906SharduvaakCirculatory Poisonsariddesertextremely hard (-30)berryliquid36gp03Brown liquid slows blood flow. Victim sluggish, at -50 for all activity, and needs 2x usual sleep.CL&CL 2e
918JuthNerve Poisonsariddeserthard (-10)scorpionliquid41gp02Causes gradual insanity (1-100 weeks).CL&CL 2e
937YoxonquMagical Poisonaridtall grassextremely hard (-30)stalkbrew100gp220Prickly black stalk brewed into tea and drunk. If RR fails user loses ability to channel for 24 hours.special